5 of the Best Upcoming Professional Teacher’s Conferences for Summer 2013

teacher conferencesBeing a teacher means being a part of shaping humanity’s tomorrow. Such are careers of truly greater callings. But to be a good teacher, one must stay active in the pursuit of excellence. In the exact spirit of that pursuit, we review five professional conferences perfect for teachers looking to stay on top of their game.

Summer 2013 Best Picks

The Creativity Workshop, New York, NY. June 7-10
The Creativity Workshop is an annual conference devoted to the use of creativity in the roles of all educators–K-12 and university-level. Teamwork, Storytelling, Use of Environment, Professional Development, and Map-Making are just a few of the conference’s specifically highlighted elements of creativity. This workshop and its thorough topic coverage are often described as “life-changing” by its thousands of attendees each year.

Teaching with the Brain in Mind, San Antonio, TX. June 17-22
Teaching with the Brain in Mind is a comprehensive, 6-day teacher’s workshop. This guaranteed program by Jensen Learning is all about understanding and taking advantage of how the human brain actually works and learns. The workshop is very much hands-on, includes leading neuroscience techniques, and provides attendees with hundreds of valuable tools for immediate use in the classroom.

Teaching with Poverty in Mind, Charlotte, NC. July 8-11
Poverty and related social conditions immediately affect everything about a learner’s life, including ability, motivation, and methods of learning. Understanding this and maximizing the prospects for educating such students is the goal of this 4-day workshop by Jensen Learning. Teachers are exposed to eye-opening facts and extremely valuable approaches for this real-time educational factor. The workshop’s guaranteed course material is heralded as being incredibly helpful in the “unlocking” of impoverished children’s otherwise down-trodden minds.

I Teach K! National Kindergarten Teacher Conference, Las Vegas, NV. July 15-18
The very popular I Teach K! Conference is another offering of the Staff Development for Educators organization. Over 160 focus sessions provide valuable insights on Kindergarten approaches. More than 30 expert speakers are present, sharing an abundance of valuable information. Only the most relevant, modern topics are covered with a healthy side dose of sure fun, inspiration, and creativity for all attending.

Extraordinary Educators Conference, Chicago, IL. July 20-24
The reputed organization, Staff Development for Educators, or SDE, is the provider of the annual Extraordinary Educators Conference. This particular conference is built around overall teacher empowerment for K-12 educators. Offerings include 48 esteemed speakers, 10 of today’s hot teacher topics, presentation of different formats for teaching, and shared experiences from some of today’s most extraordinary educators.

These are five of today’s most effective and relevant professional conferences for teachers for the summer 2013 season. Remember to get your information and book ahead, as these events do typically fill up prior to their start dates.

About the Author

Samantha Price is a kindergarten teacher who tries to use part of her summer vacation each year to expand her professional skills.  She offers more advice about continuing teacher education at Masters Degree in Education Guide.